I have a very joyful constellation and connection in my life. It’s taken me to new depths of understanding relationships and expanded awareness of God’s magic in action.
I look after a friend’s daughter once a week and I see her as a wise and loving girl who has such authority, presence, and joy about her. I am seventy-two years old, she is two years old and just beginning to say some words, but her communication has always been clear, words or not.
I had been feeling a little tired one day, so I took her to the park on the way to my house, where we could stretch our legs and get some fresh air and explore new ground. We then went back home for a snack and some more play.
We were playing on the floor and she chose her favourite soft blanket to wrap around us, making a tent. We sat and looked at each other for a few moments. Then she reached for two of my placemats, she unrolled them and put them on the floor, then put her head on them as if to sleep. She then invited me to put my head down on one of them. Then she got the blanket and wrapped me in it, covering my head from the daylight, all the while making little soothing noises. I completely surrendered to this moment and enjoyed the care and attention that was very naturally present within her.
Next, she lay down next to me, with her head on the other mat, covered herself, head to toe with the rest of the blanket and slept for two hours. I resisted dozing off because I needed to consider my role as carer in this situation, but for those magic moments of being tucked in and invited to sleep, I felt I had been truly mothered, and that Heaven’s love was pouring through this being into me, or, rather, down to earth for all humankind. She had sensed my need for rest and repose and ensured that I did. God’s magic indeed.
The love and care I received from her, from Heaven, felt infinite and all-embracing, unconditional, timeless, and I enjoyed it to the full. I have never felt so cared for in my life.
Wisdom and true intelligence is ageless.
This two-year-old has it all. I feel that the qualities of caring for ourselves and nurturing each other are innate and naturally so. When we know ourselves very well through our rituals of care and self-love we can more easily give this to others and letting each other into our personal space becomes normal practice as we support each other. Moments to appreciate happen in everyday situations and are there to inspire and to remind us to treasure each other always.